10-12 September 2014
Camera Ready Instruction
Manuscripts should be at most six (6) pages (with a maximum of 8 pages with page charges) in IEEE two-column format and must be submitted in PDF format via the conference web-site (see SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS).
Please use the LATEX style file or Microsoft Word template to prepare your manuscript in A4 format. Select the IEEE conference style.
Select Save when the File Download window appears. The files cannot open directly from the server.
Microsoft Word 2003 |
LaTeX |
LaTeX (Bibliography Files)* |
A4 (DOC) within 2 affilitations A4 (DOC) more than 2 affiliations |
Windows (ZIP) |
Windows (ZIP, 309 KB) |
Format your paper according to the style of IEEE (care to author list format; authors of the same affiliation should be grouped).
*Access IEEEtran LaTeX Class (template) V1.8 packages and IEEEtran V1.12 BibTeX (bibliography) packages. Be sure to use the template's conference mode. See template documentation for details.
Plase use bare_conf.tex by setting \documentclass[a4paper,conference]{IEEEtran}
See your MikTeX preference to set the final page size (see here) or LaTeX preferences
For user of Word template please remember to properly group the authors.
1) Camera Ready Submission (deadline: 10th July 2014)
>>>>> Submission Site <<<<< (bookmark or save this URL!)
1.1) Please make sure that your browser has cookies and Javascript enabled.
1.2) Please add "" to your list of safe senders (whitelist) to prevent important email announcements from being blocked by spam filters.
2) Camera Ready steps
2.1) Camera-ready papers (A4 format) should NOT have page numbers. All numbering will be done by the publisher.
Max filesize: 5 Mbyte ONLY PDF format checked with IEEE PDF eXpress (see 2.3)
2.2) Update the paper details as the abstract and report the correct order of authors and authors' affiliations in the CMT system. The reported order will be used for the program brochure, the conference web site, etc.
2.3) Submissions should be identifiable through a filename convention: please use "MESA14_XXX.pdf"
where XXX is the paper number assigned to your submission by CMT (e.g.: "MESA_045.pdf").
2.4) Camera-ready papers must be in PDF format and have passed through the IEEE PDF eXpress to ensure compliance to the IEEE Xplore format. Please go to the IEEE PDF eXpress site at and open an account by following the link "New Users - Click Here". You will need the Conference ID which is "32638X". Then submit your paper(s), to get feedback about their compliance with IEEE Xplore. If not compliant, address the comments on the feedback, and retry until you have produced compliant documents.
NOTE #1: The PDF eXpress validation process is NOT the final paper submission process!
NOTE #2: The IEEE PDF eXpress does not check the style and paper format: please format you paper according to template of IEEE and A4 paper format.
2.5) Submit the final version of your paper, after it has passed IEEE PDF eXpress to ensure compliance, through the CMT web interface.
2.6) The IEEE copyright form should be submitted electronically in the CMT system. There is a link "Submit IEEE Copyright Form" in the Camera-Ready column in the CMT system.
Please follow the step-by-step instructions there and submit your copyright form electronically. This will take you to the IEEE eCopyright submission site. Once you have submitted the form electronically there, please remember to download the pdf generated by the IEEE office as a receipt for your submission and click Return to return to the CMT website. Finally, please upload this pdf receipt to the CMT system using the upload copyright form option in the CMT interface, which completes your submission of the copyright form.
This is required for all accepted papers in order for them to be included in the proceedings and the IEEE Xplore website. If you have troubles of submitting the copyright forms using this service, please do not hesitate to contact the proceedings chairs.
IMPORTANT NOTE ON COPYRIGHT: Please be aware that once you submit your IEEE Electronic Copyright form, you will not be able to go back and make changes. IEEE does not have any mechanism to “redo” an electronic copyright form and you will not be able to complete more than one form per paper. As such, please be sure that the title, author list, etc. are correct and final on the CMT camera-ready submission site prior to completing and submitting the IEEE copyright form.
2.7) After you completed all the steps you can re-upload (only if necessary) your paper until the deadline.
3) At least one author per paper must register for the conference (details on registration will be posted later on the conference website), for the paper to be included in the proceedings.
Papers which are not presented by any author at the conference (no-show) will be eliminated from the official proceedings in IEEE Xplore.
Each paper must have at least one author registered at full rate by July 10, 2014.
The 10th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications Sponsor: IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Technical Co-Sponsors: ASME Division of Design Engineering Info, requests and sponsors: - Cookie Policy |
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